Staff Correspondent
Ali Mushtaq Butt, Head of the Danish Trade Mission and DANIDA Business in Bangladesh recently
participated in the launch program for the project “Green Dairy Partnership in Bangladesh.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark under their Danida Green Business Partnership (DGBP)
program funded the “Green Dairy Partnership in Bangladesh – creating a sustainable and productive
dairy value chain model in Southwest Bangladesh’’ project.
The project is a partnership between Arla Foods Bangladesh, PRAN Dairy, Solidaridad, SEGES Innovation,
Integrated Dairy Research Network and Danish Agricultural and Food Council, and aims to showcase a
visionary operating model for a productive and green dairy value chain in Southwest Bangladesh. By
adapting Danish expertise on sustainable dairy farming from Arla and SEGES Innovation under the BIG
FIVE concept, the project model aims to assist in PRAN Dairy’s business through investments and
realizing market led green dairy value chain development. Solidaridad who is well-renowned for its dairy
programs in Bangladesh will lead the partnership project for increased resiliency of dairy farming.